Sven Väth – Essential Mix – 30th January 2021

Sven Väth. Oh Sven Väth. You know this DJ, right?

Gosh I’ve been following him since the early 90’s, and you could say that I was totally obsessed and had a bit of a bro-crush on him roughly 2002 to 2012.

I look back on peak Cocoon Ibiza years (2006 to 2009 in my opinion) with such fondness, and actually possibly the greatest moments of my life. Every time I have a few beers and put on some of the music back from that period, I just wonder whether music will ever be that exciting again to me.

Sure enough, I’ve become bored of Sven’s output, though that is more him than me with his sets seemingly consisting of the Tale Of Us wishy-washy drivel of late – perhaps it isn’t his fault either, as I don’t hear much ground-breaking techno music now either – at least not that fits in with the whole Cocoon shebang.

So I put this mix on with some weariness and trepidation, yet found that it was a mix full of Cocoon Recordings tracks – many of them from the glory days such as Sven’s Komm, Egbert’s Vreugdevuur and Joris Voorn’s The Secret.

Albeit mixed with some newer less interesting tracks and that bloody annoying Geht’s Noch.

Is this Sven back on form? Well, not really – he isn’t pushing new, exciting techno any more, but this mix does revel in the past, which is where Sven and Cocoon’s best days almost certainly are (at least to my ears) – and in a way there is nothing wrong with that – there have been some amazing DJs, scenes and music that are deeply rooted in the past.

And this is an enjoyable trip back in time – enjoyment rating of 6.60.

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